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Georgia Advanced Thinking about Disability Income Ins

CE Course description

People insure their cars, their homes, and their valuables every day. But many don’t realize the need to insure what is probably their most valuable asset—their ability to earn money. But in the event of disability, it’s possible to lose the ability to work just when it’s needed more than ever—to pay for expensive medical care.

That’s where disability income insurance comes in. In the event of a debilitating illness, disability income insurance protects the insured from bankruptcy, foreclosure, and other financial disasters. This insurance continuing education course provides you with the knowledge you need to deliver in-depth consultation and advice to your customers regarding the need for disability dncome insurance—bringing the topic to life in a series of detailed and interesting case studies. Subjects introduced include:

  • Assessing the need for disability income insurance.
  • Coverage definitions.
  • Provisions and exclusions.
  • Optional policy benefits.
  • Underwriting and rating.
  • Tax consequences and treatment of disability income insurance.
  • Challenges in the disability income insurance market.

This course allows you to earn your insurance continuing education credits online quickly and easily through self-guided study. Download the course materials immediately after purchase, study at your leisure, and receive your test results quickly after completion. With online insurance CE, you get self-study courses that make it easier for busy insurance professionals to earn their CE requirements.

Total Hrs / Order Price
1-5 hrs $19.95
6-17 hrs $29.95
18-24 hrs $44.95
25-50 hrs $54.95
51+ hrs $54.95 + $2.00 per additional hour over 50
In addition: A State filing fee of $0 Per Credit Hour will be added to the total

Pricing based on total number of hours in order.

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