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Georgia Advanced Thinking about Health Insurance Concepts

CE Course description

Everybody needs health insurance—but it’s not exactly easy to buy. In addition to the expense, it’s not easy to choose from the maze of options presented to consumers—from private insurance to government programs, from indemnity plans to PPO’s and HMO’s. As a Life and Health producer, you provide a valuable service in helping your corporate and individual customers navigate the wide range of options to find a solution that’s both appropriate and affordable.

This course provides a broad overview of the health insurance market today—with a more in-depth look at specific kinds of coverage. Through a series of compelling case studies, you’ll learn about current health insurance legislation and how it affects the market; issues arising in the new world of group coverage; and the impact of managed care. Topics covered include:

  • Policy provisions and options.
  • Common exclusions.
  • Tax impact on premiums and benefits.
  • Government-sponsored programs.
  • State and federal health care legislation.
  • Coverage counseling for at-risk and medically uninsurable patients.

This insurance continuing education course is administered online, allowing you to download course materials to your home or office computer, study on your own time, and receive test results immediately after completion. Online, self-study insurance education is the ideal solution for busy insurance professionals—allowing you to earn your insurance CE credits without disrupting your schedule.

Total Hrs / Order Price
1-5 hrs $19.95
6-17 hrs $29.95
18-24 hrs $44.95
25-50 hrs $54.95
51+ hrs $54.95 + $2.00 per additional hour over 50
In addition: A State filing fee of $0 Per Credit Hour will be added to the total

Pricing based on total number of hours in order.

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