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Georgia Advanced Thinking about Risk Management

CE Course description

As an insurance agent selling commercial casualty insurance, you need to have some knowledge of the risk management process in order to provide the appropriate insurance coverage and/or offer alternative solutions. This additional knowledge brings value to the table.

The typical risk management process includes identifying risk, performing qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, and incorporating risk control techniques. It also includes consulting with the client on the best ways to finance risk, including purchasing insurance. Finally, it includes the administration, monitoring, and implementation of a risk management plan. This course will give you an overview about how risk management. The course includes an Exposure Identification Worksheet to help identify loss exposures.

Topics covered include:

  • Risk management concepts.
  • Exposure identification.
  • Some factors that lead to risk conclusions.
  • Collecting information for exposure identification
  • The systems approach
  • Risk analysis and evaluation
  • Data collection, statistical analysis, and modeling

Download this course online—and study on your own time, without conforming to a traditional class schedule. Take classes in the comfort of your home or office, and receive your test results immediately after completion. Order today and get started meeting your insurance continuing education requirements easily and conveniently.

Total Hrs / Order Price
1-5 hrs $19.95
6-17 hrs $29.95
18-24 hrs $44.95
25-50 hrs $54.95
51+ hrs $54.95 + $2.00 per additional hour over 50
In addition: A State filing fee of $0 Per Credit Hour will be added to the total

Pricing based on total number of hours in order.

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