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Georgia Advanced Thinking about Cyber Risk

CE Course description

The risks and opportunities which digital technologies, devices, and media bring us are obvious. Cyber risk is never a matter purely for the IT team, although they clearly play a vital role. An organization’s risk management function needs a thorough understanding of the constantly evolving risks as well as the practical tools and techniques available to address them. As an insurance professional, you are in a unique position to help your clients manage cyber risk comprehensively across their business.

This advanced thinking course for experienced agents is approved for continuing education. In this course, we will review some of the fundamental concepts related to cyber risks and relevant insurance coverages. In addition, we will also provide answers for the most common questions you may encounter from your clients about their policies. You will read interesting and important case studies to bring this topic to life. Finally, we detail the most recent issues that have come up in the real world of providing these coverages to policyholders (such as cost containment, fraud and hard-to-place risks). Topics covered include:

  • Mechanics of Cyber Risk Coverage
  • Cyber Insurance for Smaller Businesses
  • Liability Insurance for Business Cyber Risks
  • Cyber Liability Market Conditions
  • Protecting Intellectual Property Assets and Reputation
  • Pornography, Workplace Affairs, and Other Employee-related Risks
  • Managing Computer Crime Risks…on the Cloud and Elsewhere

Download this course in convenient online format, and meet your continuing education requirements quickly and easily. Schedule your studies on your own time—and receive test results immediately after completion. Order today and get started right away.

Total Hrs / Order Price
1-5 hrs $19.95
6-17 hrs $29.95
18-24 hrs $44.95
25-50 hrs $54.95
51+ hrs $54.95 + $2.00 per additional hour over 50
In addition: A State filing fee of $0 Per Credit Hour will be added to the total

Pricing based on total number of hours in order.

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