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Online Insurance CE

We make it fast, simple, and inexpensive to fulfill your insurance continuing education requirements. When time is not on your side, we will be!

About FastrackCE

All of our online self-study courses are fully approved by the Insurance Department of the State of California, and we offer courses for most insurance specialties. Browse our catalog of online courses — to find courses you need to fulfill your continuing education requirements.

If you’re licensed as a Life-only agent, accident and health agent, property broker-agent, casualty broker-agent, or personal lines broker-agents in the state of California, you must complete a total of 24 hours of insurance continuing education every two years. Agent licensees specializing in Limited Lines auto insurance must complete 20 hours of continuing education every two years.

Anyone selling Long-Term Care products must complete one eight-hour course prior to sales—and finish eight hours of LTC training each year for the first four years of licensure. In the fifth year, licensees must complete eight hours of LTC training every two years. Annuities agents must complete eight initial hours of California-specific annuities training before soliciting the sale of any annuity products, and four hours of annuity-related training within each license renewal period.

Insurance agents licensed as Property Broker-Agents and/or Casualty Broker-Agents and Life-Only agents and or/Accident and Health must complete three hours of ethics continuing education every two years. Personal lines agents must complete two hours of ethics courses every two years. This requirement is included in, not apart from, the overall 24 hours of required continuing education to be completed every license renewal period. The state of California recommends that all insurance brokers and agents complete their continuing education requirements at least 60 days prior to the deadline—to allow sufficient time for your paperwork to be processed. If you don’t, your license renewal might be delayed while your continuing education paperwork is processed.

Online education makes fulfilling your California insurance continuing education (CE) requirements fast and convenient. Our online insurance continuing education courses are designed for professional agents and brokers who need to fit study time around busy work schedules. Our self-study continuing education courses provide interesting, timely topics of study that will help you improve your quality of practice—in addition to satisfying California’s requirements for continuing education. Check out our course catalog today —and download the courses that meet your needs today!

Why Choose FastrackCE?

It can be difficult to find an affordable insurance continuing education program that checks all the boxes.

With over 25 years of experience in this space, FastrackCE has cracked the code on simple, streamlined training programs to meet your requirements - fast.

Check out our video below to see just how easy it is.

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Never Miss a CE Deadline Again!

Stay on track with your license renewal deadline with our Renewal Alert Program. You’ll receive regular reminders starting six months out from your expiration date (plus discount codes!).

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